

Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Little About Kelley Griffin, Author of Binding Circumstance

  1. When and why did you begin writing? I first began writing because of my grandma. She was a reporter, photographer and writer in the 1940’s while simultaneously being full time mom to four small kids. Aka—Superwoman. On her deathbed, in her nineties she jokingly said, “if I’m ever gonna write that novel, I’d better get to it.” Feeling the regret in her voice kickstarted my urge to write. I began writing shortly after in 2010. 

  1. Tell us your latest news. Binding Circumstance is going to be published! I’m so excited to get the story of Leslie and Charlie out. They belong together, even though Leslie is a self-proclaimed man-hater, using an alias and running from her guilty past. Charlie’s southern roots and A-list Hollywood charm can break through any woman’s hesitation. Even one that doesn’t like to be touched.  

  1. When did you first consider yourself a writer? In truth, when the last puzzle piece clicked on my first novel and I knew it was complete. I felt like a writer then, not an author mind you, but a writer. The term author holds more meaning to me and that took me a very long time to achieve. 

  1. Do you have a specific writing style? My writing style is full on pantster with a touch of plotter, but the plotter in me only comes out when I’m stuck. When I began writing, I used lineless paper and sat in the floor of my closet at 5am each morning. Now, I’m more sophisticated…ahem…and sit at a desk with my laptop. 

  1. How did you come up with the title? The title went through many phases on this project, but ultimately I wanted a word that tied in with the sewing/costume design element as well as tying someone up and the abuse Leslie endured. Binding does both those things and as soon as I heard it, I knew it was perfect! 

  1. Is there a message in your novel you want readers to grasp? The message I’d like readers to grasp is that nobody is too broken or too damaged to deserve love. 

  1. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? I think all writers have their challenges. For some it’s time constraints of working another job and family and for others it’s getting the story on the page. For me, although writing is a huge passion, I sometimes feel guilty for the time it takes away from family. I’m combatting that guilt by being a #5amwriter. 

  1. What was the hardest part of writing your book? For me, the hardest part of writing any book is the fear that all the dangling mysteries and twists and turns aren’t fleshed out. Nothing makes me crazier than when I read a book only to find that I have unanswered questions at the end.  

  1. Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I learned to read at a very   early age (I think I was three). Books have always been a passion. And most of my life, I’ve excelled when someone else (or my inner voice) said I couldn’t do something. So, when I set out to write a novel, my inner voice kept saying “you can’t do that!” So, I immersed myself in learning everything I could about writing novels and publishing. 

  1. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? I learned that it’s a process and there aren’t any shortcuts. I also learned that with each new completed novel, you remember the mistakes you had to painstakingly fix on the one before it and generally don’t make those same mistakes again. Binding Circumstance is one of currently four completed MS’s and I’ve learned so much with each one, I feel like I should have a degree in writing!  

  1. Do you have any advice for other writers? Don’t wait. If you heart has a story to tellwrite it. Don’t let others (or your inner voice) tell you you’re not good enough, educated enough or intelligent enough to complete a novel. You are. Go. Do it now. 

  1. Do you have anything specific you want to say to your readers? Thank you! Thank you for sticking by me and reading this manuscriptI promise to keep writing these books as long as you’ll keep reading them! 

  1. What inspired you to write your first book? Sounds cliché but, a dream. I dreamt about a scene where a woman was left a Marine Corps field manual by her estranged father, containing clues which plunged her into his world of crime. Before his death, he hired a protector for her, whom she doesn’t notice until she accidentally knocks into a table of tomatoes at her grocery store and he’s pummeled on the other side! I woke up wondering what I’d eaten before bed! 

  1. Can you share a little of your current work with us? My current WIP is the second installment of the Kirin Lane series (see question above). Kirin and Sam are now fighting multiple enemies in the organized crime arena and navigating a new reality in their relationship, an old acquaintance of Sam’s who wants him for her own. 

  1. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? I tell friends all the time, they’re not safe from being placed inside one of my novels. But in truth, I borrow their names, not them. I believe all the characters inside me are a culmination of all my encounters with other people, friends and foes! Although, I have to say that after reading Binding Circumstance, I did have one person in my life who remembered a traumatic experience that she’d blocked out for many years. I believe it was meant for her to Beta Read this to get this harrowing experience out of her system.

  2.  To save the life of the man she loves, she’ll have to risk her own.
    Costume designer, Leslie Carroll has mastered the art of flying under the radar. She’s had to, or risk being found by the psychopath who almost killed her.
    When she literally falls into Hollywood heartthrob Charlie Erickson’s dressing room on her first day of employment, their mutual attraction is instant and undeniable. Despite his star status, Charlie is a sweet southern boy at heart, and for the first time in a long time, Leslie begins to think she has a chance at happiness.
    When her harrowing past catches up to her and targets Charlie, will she run to save herself, or face her monster to save the man who is her future?

  3. Follow Kelley here:
  4. Twitter:@AuthorKTGriffin
  5. IG: @kelleygriffinauthor@KELLEYGRIFFINAUTHOR

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